Hauke Berheide

Music for Aliens

A Digital Orchestra Lab

Composition and Artistic Direction: Hauke Berheide
KI - Architecture and Engineering: Felipe Sanchez Luna, KlingKlangKlong
Brandenburg Symphony Orchestra
Conductor: Vitali Aleksenook
Moderation: Boussa Thiam

Program Director: Michael Dühn

Nikolai Saal Potsdam 2023

It is a moment that will change the world forever: Extraterrestrial intelligence has sent a message to humanity! Experts believe that the data received is a code that can be deciphered acoustically, similar to a musical score. Under the guidance of Hauke Berheide, school classes in Potsdam have set out to decipher the musical messages and, in composition workshops, have written their own full orchestral scores. They were supported by musicians from the Brandenburg Symphony Orchestra. But will they receive answers from space? Is it possible to communicate with extraterrestrial life? And what is the role of artificial intelligence?
"Music for Aliens" aims to use artificial intelligence to introduce young people to the fascination of live orchestral music - interactively, based on the participating students' own compositions. The compositions were responded to by an AI developed specifically for the project.

Funded by the Programme for the Digital Transformation of Cultural Institutions in the State of Brandenburg (DIWA) of the Brandenburg Ministry of Science, Research and Culture.

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Das Tier von Trier

Participatory Music Theatre

Music, Libretto and Artistic Direction: Hauke Berheide

Conductor: Jochem Hochstenbach
Staging: Agnes Otto

Stage Design and Costume Design: Belèn Montoliù

Video: Christian Hill, erzählfabrik GbR

Dramaturgy and Concert Pedagogy: Carola Ehrt

Actor: Stephan Vanecek

The Philharmonic Orchestra Trier,

The Trier Theatre Youth Choir

120 students aged 6 - 18 from the Trier region

Theatre Trier 2019

Diver Yuri wants to play in the big concert at the Trier Theatre. But the conductor sends him home because he has no instrument and sings terribly. At the bottom of the Moselle, he searches for the Trier Beast, which is said to have a fabulous treasure trove of sound. Juri wants to borrow this treasure for the festival concert. His diving watch suddenly goes haywire, running backwards and taking him 200 million years back in time. He suddenly finds himself in the Bay of Trier in the Jurassic Sea. In the Jurassic Sea, Yuri meets all kinds of strange and dangerous animals, all of whom want to come to the festival concert. The biggest and most dangerous of them all, the Kockelsberg Monster, finally tells them where they can track down the Beast of Trier.

The project invites children and young people with no connection to classical cultural education to perform a work composed especially for them, with them and by them.

Commissioned by the Philharmonic Orchestra Trier

With the support of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media through the programme "Excellent Orchestra Landscape in Germany".